Pup Walk with Mendelssohn on the Hudson

Broadway Bitches
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We are excited to join Inwood Art Works on their inaugural MENDELSSOHN ON THE HUDSON walk in Upper Manhattan! Take your pup along while a Historical and Musical Walking Tour of German Jewish Washington Heights.


How to Participate

Follow the Map

Ready to start your outdoor challenge? View and share the interactive challenge map below.

Watch Pup Challenge VIdeos

We put together a few videos to help get you ready for the pup challenge course. Check them out before you start your Wahi Walk! VIEW VIDEOS


Tag us on SOcial Media

Tag all of these accounts and #walkwahi521 so we can track your challenge.

Support With Local SwaG

Stop by the CJ+BB shop to buy items from each of the 3 partner brands and give back to charity.


Follow along on the Love CJ Instagram for the next 2 weeks!